Parish Registration

Please fill out the form below, or print and fill out a downloadable registration form and turn-in to the parish office.

If you have a child that you wish to attend our Faith Formation programs for Grades K -5 (Children's Ministry) or Grades 6-12 (Youth Ministry) please complete this form to register and turn-in to the parish office.

Forms may also be emailed, however we may need to contact you to verify information.

Parishioner Registration and Update Form

Step 1 of 4

Head of Household Information

Note: St Columban Parish utilizes the Flocknotes service, which allows us to send automated Email and Cell Phone Text messages. Please call office if you do not want to receive Flocknote messages.
Note: Public events such as liturgies or images of crowds (where there is no expectation of privacy) may incidentally contain you or your family. This consent is for individual images, video, or audio or at closed events.