Preparation for first sacraments occurs in conjunction with the Children's Ministry (Grades K-5), Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12), and RCIA programs at St. Columban. Mass and Confessions along with Anointing of the Sick are offered at both locations.
Please call the parish office at least two months in advance of the date you wish for the baptism, since all paperwork must be received before a date can be sent. There are no baptisms during Lent except in emergencies.
In the Archdiocese of Seattle youth may receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as early as the Seventh Grade. All youth in the Sixth Grade and above are invited to enroll in the two-year preparation program that meets Sunday mornings during the school year.
Adults and children over the age of seven entering the Catholic Church without prior any Christian initiation, would receive receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as catechumen at the Easter Vigil and are prepared as part of OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) formation.
Whether it has been 10 years, 10 months or 10 days, God is waiting for you; come experience the mercy of a father who loves and forgives you. It first takes making an examination of conscience and then receiving the sacrament in-person.
At Saint Columban confessions are heard every Saturday from 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment. At Saint Peter confessions are scheduled for 7:30 to 7:45 AM on Sunday mornings prior to Mass. Formation for First Reconciliation begins with the Second Grade Children's Ministry class for children 7 years old. For adults and older children please call the parish office.
Holy Communion
Join us for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at these times. Please note these Guidelines for the Reception of Communion. See also this article.
Formation for First Holy Communion begins with the First Grade Children's Ministry class for reception in the Second Grade year. For adults and older children please call the parish office.
Holy Matrimony
For couples seeking Marriage at St. Columban: Please call the parish office at least six months in advance of desired date. Please do not set a wedding date until you have met with the priest.
Holy Orders
Men wanting more information about the priesthood please see the Archdiocese of Seattle Vocations page.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is given by appointment only. Please contact the parish office to make an appointment. In the case of an emergency please call the parish office for contact information.
Special Liturgies
Please contact the parish office before scheduling with a funeral home.
Please leave a voicemail at 360-458-3031 x5.