Altar serving is a prestigious and important position for young men, dating back over one thousand years before Christ when young Samuel served in the Temple with Eli the priest. We continue this rich tradition of Samuel, who eventually dedicated his entire life to serving God and living by God’s Word. St. John writes in his gospel account (John 6:9) that it was a child who assisted Christ in the miracle of the loaves and fishes, bringing “. . five barley loaves and two fish . . ”.
Boys who have received their 1st Holy Communion, (2nd or 3rd grade) through high school age.
The primary role of the altar boy is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy (hymns, responses, etc.), looking alert, and by sitting or standing at the appropriate times.
In addition, the role of an altar boy is to light the candles on the altar, to carry candles in procession; to prepare wine and water for the sacrifice of the Mass; to hold ritual books for the priest’s prayers; and otherwise to assist the sacred ministers at the Mass and other public services of the Church.
The Altar Server program is directed by Mr. Bill Gonzales
–Altar Boys are assigned to serve at various Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses, Holy Day Masses, Marriages and Funerals.
–Altar Boys are chosen from volunteers who have received the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist and are at the 2nd grade level or above.
–Altar Boys are required to be at the church 20 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass for preparation.
–A willing attitude of being in service to the Church. As the youth assist the priest in his ministry at Mass, they imitate the child who helped Jesus during His ministry on earth. Parents are warmly invited to join their sons in assisting during the Mass as an usher, greeter, member of the choir, or pray the rosary before Mass begins.
Attire should be appropriate and worthy of being near to the altar, as well as proper to the Sunday liturgy itself. Modesty and tastefulness are crucial (shirts that cover the shoulders, pants and no shorts, no holes in clothing, no visible logos or writing on clothing).
For more information contact the parish office at 360-458-3031 or [email protected]