2023 Synod Survey


The word “synod” means to journey together on the Way. In this synodal process, everyone around the world is invited to listen to God’s word, celebrate the Eucharist, and reflect upon our experience as the Church. For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission is Pope Francis’ call for the largest consultation of the human family in history, and it includes all of us in Western Washington!

You are invited to journey together to prayerfully read the signs of the times together and discern how the Holy Spirit is calling all of us, as the Body of Christ, to accomplish our mission here and now. We want to hear from everyone — especially people who have been marginalized or are often unheard.

“Together, we move in one direction — the way of Jesus, the way of faith
and salvation.” – Archbishop Paul D. Etienne

For this process we kindly ask for your input on the following questions.  All collected input will be submitted to Archbishop Etienne in May 2022 and then presented to Pope Francis at the end of June 2022.

(Note: each of the two surveys should be completed and submitted separately; submitting one will redirect you to a confirmation page, which may clear your answers to the questions from the survey you did not submit)

Survey 1: How is this "journeying together" happening today in our local Church?

Like sheep of the Good Shepherd our Lord Jesus Christ, we place ourselves under the care of His herdsmen when we choose to follow Him; each flock under the guidance of the Pope, Bishops, and local Priests. Together we navigate the journey of faith.

Survey 2: What steps does the Holy Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our "journeying together"?

The Holy Spirit guides in many ways to keep us connected to our Heavenly Father, the Holy Catholic Church, and each other.  Reflect on the ways in which the Holy Spirit moves you to do so.

How does the Holy Spirit redirect your attention when you get distracted? How does he pull you back when your faith waivers?...
Do you feel called to serve at your local parish? How does he guide you when you feel disconnected?...

Survey 3: Other Input