Staff at Saint Columban may reached during office hours (Monday-Thursday 9:30am-2pm) by calling our phone number
(360) 458-3031
and dialing the extension below or you may leave a voice message or email.
To leave a voicemail in Spanish use ext. 5
Rev. Brian Thompson
Priest Administrator
Phone ext. 6
In Office Tue-Thu
Jennifer Langham
Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy, Music, & Admin Support
Phone ext. 1
In Office Mon-Thu
Gaby Makinster
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation
Phone ext. 2
In Office Tue-Thu
Holly Dodd
Phone ext. 4
In Office Mon & Tue
Chad Lucero
Youth Ministry
Phone Ext. 3
In Office Mon-Thu
Steven Slater
St. Columban Custodian
On Site Tue-Thu
Gilberto Espino
St. Peter Custodian