Parish Ministries

Unless otherwise specified, please email the parish office for more information about any of our ministries at [email protected]

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Assists the priest at the altar in the celebration of the liturgy.  All boys who have received the First Communion are welcome!  Email [email protected] for more information.


Leads the congregation with chanting the parts of the Mass and singing hymns as appropriate for the Liturgy.  See the music page for more information.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion*

Helps distribute the Eucharist during Holy Communion during Mass.


Lay readers proclaim the Word of the Lord from the Old Testament and the Epistles of Paul during Mass.

Ushers & Greeters

Greets and seats people, distributes bulletins, and responds to emergencies.

Rosary Leaders

Leading the congregation in the Rosary before Mass.


Pastoral Council

The pastoral council is a consultative body and is governed by norms determined by the Archbishop. It collaborates with the pastor to discern through consultation how to address the challenges and opportunities encountered by the parish in its particular time and place.

Finance Council

The parish finance council is composed of Catholic faithful who offer advice to the pastor in the administration of the parish's temporal goals. Its purpose is to provide the pastor, the parish pastoral council, and other leadership bodies with professional financial analysis.

Faith Formation & Liturgy Commission

Assists the Pastoral Administrator in providing quality faith formation consistent with Archdiocesan policies and guidelines including assessment of parish needs and acting in an advisory role in recommending plans for faith formation and liturgy.

Service & Outreach Ministries

Altar Society

Helps decorate and maintain the tidiness of the Sanctuary and Grounds.  They meet every Tuesday to assist with the grounds and every Thursday to clean the church at 9AM.

Homebound Ministries

Brings Communion to those who cannot physically attend Mass due to health constraints.  We service local care facilities and private residences here in Yelm and the surrounding area (Roy/McKenna).  To request this service please contact the parish office or email [email protected].

Daughters of Mary

Hosts of coffee hour after Sunday Masses and celebration meals throughout the year, ZGiving Tree Project for Christmas, fundraisers, annual member Christmas party, and a variety of special parochial celebrations throughout the year. Members meet in the Parish Hall every fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00PM.  All women of the parish are members so please join us.  Whether you are new to the parish or have been here for many years, we encourage you to share your time, talents and treasures in support of the Mission of our parish community.  For more information email [email protected]

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism and defense of the priesthood.  The knights are consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth.  It is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family.  It was on these bedrock principles that the Knights of Columbus was founded over a century ago and remains true to them today.  We encourage men 18 and over, who are practicing Catholics, to join.

Saint Columban Council 17152 of the Knights of Columbus hosts the annual Coats for Kids Car Show every summer, which raises money for winter coats. Council events at the parish include the Outdoor Sale (May), Oktoberfest (late September/early October), and Parish Picnic (August), as well as the Parish Breakfast (fourth Sunday of every month Jan.-Nov.).  All men of the parish are welcome!  Members meet every third Wednesday of the month in the Parish Hall.

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Composed of parishioners, members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul provide assistance and prayerful healing to those in need in our community. To contact SVDP leave a voicemail at (360) 458-1904 or email.