The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international lay-Catholic charity organization whose mission is to serve the poor and suffering by visiting, befriending, and helping them in whatever way we can, with a minimum of red tape and delay. By doing so, we also help ourselves to grow in faith and charity. The Society was founded in Paris in 1833. Our parish conference was established at St. Columban Catholic Church in Yelm in 2003. It is staffed entirely by volunteers.
Requesting Assistance
We serve the areas of Yelm, Rainier, McKenna, Roy, and Tenino.
To request assistance please call (360) 458-1904 and leave a voicemail with your name, your phone number, and a brief description of your need.
We are able to offer assistance with:
- Rent
- Utilities
- Wood
(pending supply & volunteers) - Other needs
(case by case basis)
One of our volunteers will contact you typically within 24-48 hours.
There are a number of ways you can volunteer:
- Answering Voicemails/Emails
- Home Visits
- Cutting, Splitting, Delivering Wood
- Assisting with the Winter Clothes Closet
For more information leave a voicemail with your contact information on the helpline
(360) 458-1904.
Resource Tip Line
Do you know of a resource we can refer clients to?
E.g. Low rent housing, emergency shelters with room available, job openings, free wood, etc.
Call the SVdP Help Line (360) 458-1904 to let us know and we thank you in advance for your support!
Donate to
St.Vincent de Paul
Donations can be made online or at Mass using your monthly giving envelope or one of the yellow envelopes provided in the narthex.
Throughout the year we also accept donations of non-perishable food items that are not expired. Please use the bins available in the narthex.
Please note these items are donated to another, larger, food bank in Yelm.
During the winter months we accept donations for our Winter Clothes Closet. Please visit their section on our page for more information about what items will be accepted and when/where they can be donated.

Other Crisis Resources in our Community
Provided by Linked Churches
Area churches linking Christ & Community